欢迎来到 RDD CLOSET 的网站, 以下条款和条件属 RDD CLOSET 的所有访客和用户。 只要您在 www.rddcloset.com 购物请接受以下的条款和条件。

Welcome to RDD CLOSET web site online store. Terms and conditions stated below applies to all visitors and users of RDD CLOSET. You're bound by these terms and conditions as long as you're on www.rddcloset.com.

1. 订单|Order

  • 请在付款前确保您下单的所有资料(名字/地址/电话)和商品(颜色/尺寸/件数)是正确的,一旦您已经确认订单并付款之后将没办法做任何修改。此情况将不接受退款/更换。
  • Once you have checked out and your order has been confirmed, you are not be able to make any changes to your order. Please make sure that everything (including color  / size / no of pcs of the item(s) / shipping details  ) is correct before clicking the confirm button. No refunds/exchanges will be allowed.
  • 请确保付款前再三确认并检查好尺寸。
  • Please make sure to double-check the size before paying.

基于以下原因,请恕我方将不另行通知并且保留拒绝或取消订单的权力 :

We reserve the right to refuse/cancel an order without prior notice for reasons such as:

  • 下订的商品已下架
  • Product ordered is no longer available in stock
  • 在我们怀疑涉及任何诈欺或不诚实的情况下,我们将不承认订单付款。
  • We will not authorize payments where we suspect any fraudulent or dishonest activity is involved.

2. 价钱|Pricing

  • 我们产品的价格如有更改,恕不另行通知。
  • Prices for our products are subject to change without notice.
  • 优惠价格时间一旦截止回归原价,将不接受任何理由索取优惠。
  • Once the discounted price period returns to the original price, no reason will be accepted to claim the discount.

3. 发货|Delivery

  • 现货订单将在确认付款后的1-3的工作天内发出。
  • Orders will be dispatched within 1-3 working days after payment is confirmed.
  • 我们的发货日定于周一至周六 ,周日和公共假期没有发货。
  • Our delivery days are scheduled from Monday to Saturday, no delivery on Sundays and public holidays.
  • 我们将会按照订单号顺序发出。
  • All orders are shipped out according to order number.
  • 我们不提供不同账户的拼单/合单服务。如有不便敬请原谅。
  • We are not able to provide order combination service for different accounts. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  • 关于本地邮寄我们将会使用J & T Express发货 。所有邮费将会在您结账时自动依据重量以及发货地区计算。
  • For local shipping we will using J & T Express to ship. All postage will be automatically calculated at your checkout based on weight and shipping area.
  • 更多关于邮寄的质询请查阅物流详情
  • For more inquiries about delivery, please refer to Shipping Info.

4. 退换|Return

  • 不接受以个人不喜欢衣服/穿的不合适或不好看/色差/可清理的污迹或不视为有缺陷的商品为退换/退款理由。
  • No exchange / refund will be made for product that does not fit /color differ / quality or real product not up to expectation / not deemed defective. 
  • 所有的退换条规只限于马来西亚。
  • Exchange & return service only valid in Malaysia.
  • 对于所有不符合条件的物品退回,我们将保留拒绝的权力。
  • We reserve the right to refuse all returns of ineligible items.
  • 更多关于邮寄的质询请查阅退换流程
  • For more inquiries about delivery, please refer to Exchange and Refund.

5. 折扣代码/优惠卷/回馈金额|Coupon Code/Vouchers/Store Credits

  • 如果您想使用折扣代码,请确保在您确认付款前正确的输入。对于没能来得及在付款前输入折扣代码的顾客,很抱歉,我们将无法退款或取消您的订单。
  • If you want to use coupon code, please make sure to enter it correctly before you payment. For customers who did not enter the coupon code before payment, we are sorry, we will not be able to refund or cancel your order.
  • 请注意持有的折扣代码有效日期,一旦有效日期已过将不接受任何理由而延展。
  • Please pay attention to the valid date of the coupon code, once the valid date has passed, it will not be extended for any reason.
  • 折扣代码/优惠卷/回馈金额将不能被兑换成现金。
  • Coupon codes / Vouchers / Store Credits may not be exchanged for cash.
  • 在您账户里的回馈金额是没有有效期限的。
  • Store credits in your account has no expiry date .